Kathleen DeMarle is a Boston-based stand-up comedian and writer. With her dry and sarcastic sense of humor, she has become a regular at bar and club shows around New England. Given her knack for the clumsy and awkward, Kathleen finds material for comedy in her everyday
life. She has been featured at the Cleveland Comedy Festival, Boston Comedy Arts Festival and Portland Maine Comedy Festival; and has performed at venues including Gotham Comedy Club, The Comedy Studio and Laugh Boston. When she’s not telling jokes Kathleen
can be found being her blind dogs, seeing eye human.
Follow her on Instagram @kdacey45 and see her on these Mutiny Radio Comedy Festival Shows. Click on the link for direct access to the podcast!

Sunday March 3rd, 8pm. $10. Birth Order/Dysfunctional Families
Sunday March 3rd, 9pm. $10. Fur Babies
Monday March 4th, 9pm. $10. Over 40, Hot as Fuck